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Feature :

Secure as Many New Travel Agents and Corporate Clients as Possible, with 'Online Application' Features

Hotel Reservation System
This feature Included in :
  • Central Reservation System
• B2B Reservation System
Hotel Reservation System Hotel Reservation System

Travel Agents/Corporate Clients of any size may apply for access to hotel rates and availability (a process normally carried out through manual contracting) with Pelican 'Online Application' feature.

Once a hotel approves the travel agent/corporate client who has applied for contracted rates and availability, the particular travel agent and corporate client can make reservations, modifications and cancellations in a real-time manner with login and password.

No hassle in assigning rates as hotels can easily categorize the particular travel agent / corporate client into one of the rate tiers (market segment) to share rates and allotment (click here to learn more about sharing allotments). This resolves 'opening' distribution channels unintentionally overlooked or neglected due to paper contracting. Hotels that formerly directed their efforts to a small number of productive travel agents/corporate clients NOW can cater to even the smallest-sized ones.

Benefits to hotel:

  • direct contact with travel agents and corporate clients.
  • cut distribution costs.
  • control rates and allotments.
  • grab more markets.

Benefits to travel agent/corporate client:

  • enrich hotel supplies.
  • deal directly with hotels instantly close deals.
  • avoid worries about time and location since all reservations, modifications and cancellations can be made online (anytime, anywhere) with instant confirmation.
  • reduce time and increase cost efficiency.