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Feature :

'Insufficient Inventory Report' - Reducing the Loss of Potential Booking

This feature Included in :
  • Booking Engine
  • Central Reservation System
  • B2B Reservation System
Hotel Reservation System
Insufficient Inventory Report

Pelican Hotel Reservation System facilitates the 'Insufficient Inventory Report' for the Hotel to track denied reservation requests due to room allotment shortages in the system. Hotels may overcome uncertainties caused by market situations, along with possibilities of excess demand on what the hotel has allocated in the system. The 'Insufficient Inventory Report' helps hotels identify and take immediate action, avoiding further losses of revenue if they still have rooms available to rent out.

Pelican 'Insufficient Inventory Report' covers details such as:

  • Ability to identify which client segment made the request (Travel agents, Corporate or General Consumers).
  • For which date was the request made?.
  • How many rooms were requested?.
  • Showing alotment sructure on the requested period.